Idego culture book

culture book culture book culture book

Do you want to figure out if Idego is a perfect match for you?

As most software engineers we also cherish autonomy & competence. We want to work without being micromanaged, deliver great solutions and have a power to make decisions about architecture, quality & process. We also want to have time to spend with our families, friends and pursue our totally-not-technology-related dreams.

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Job positions - we recruit entirely remotely!

Engineering Big Data

AI and ML Engineer

PLN 25.000 - 30.000 + VAT B2B
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Engineering Big Data

Data: future opportunities at Idego!

PLN 18.000 - 25.000 + VAT B2B
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Engineering Backend

Senior Backend Developer

PLN 23.000 - 25.000 + VAT B2B
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